Will you partner with us?

Your support enables 441 Ministries’ continued service in our neighborhood to kids, youth, and families.

Contributions can be made to 441 Ministries Beechwood Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donor names or information will not be released or published without donor permission.

  • Make checks payable to “441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.” and mail to:

    441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.
    P.O. Box 90478
    Rochester, NY 14609

  • This is a special group of almost 40 donors who make a significant financial contribution to the legacy that God is building here in Beechwood. Circle members give donations of $1500 or more annually and receive exclusive access to information and opportunities throughout the year. Join the BLC to make a deeper commitment and connection to the mission and work of 441.

  • If you are interested in making a Qualified Charitable Contribution from an IRA or want to utilize employer matching to qualified non-profits, you’ll need the following information:

    EIN or Tax ID Number: 82-1840737
    441 Ministries Beechwood, Inc.
    441 Parsells Ave
    Rochester, NY 14609

  • There are a number of other creative ways to support the work of 441 Ministries. These include the donation of appreciated assets, making qualified charitable contributions from your IRA, naming 441 Ministries as a beneficiary of a life insurance or other policy, or donating stock.

    We would encourage you to discuss these options with a financial advisor and feel free to contact us through our website’s Contact Us form, or email us at Director@441ministries.org, to discuss this more.

To contribute online, please use the form below: